Friday Photos

Welcome to Friday Photos, a weekly feature here on Celiac in the City — you can read how it all started by clicking HERE.

I did it.

Checked another item off my 2012 list — I taught a gluten-free class!

And it was THE best experience.

I’ll be writing more about it soon… I’m still basking in the good vibes of meeting such a wonderful, interactive, positive, group of gluten-free friends. The perfect crowd for this first timer.

This is going to be hard to believe, but I didn’t take one photo.

Not a one.

But luckily there was a fellow blogger in the house — someone who takes photos of everything she eats too, so I did score this one from her, via Twitter.

Thanks, Heather.

Go check out her blog, Picky Eater Confessions.

Like what you see? It was a little sampler: grandma’s monster cookies, apple streusel chex mix, beer dip, and blueberry muffins from The Cake Mix Doctor. (I’ll be posting the other recipes soon when I recap the class.)

I will tell you that the apple streusel chex mix has some of this brand spanking new cereal included in the recipe…

(And I’ll also tell you that the regular cinnamon chex are still at the top of my list.)

And these cookies will always be there too.

Grandma G’s Monster Cookies

Preparing for the class, I did a little inventory of my gluten-free cookbooks — I guess I have a few.

Do you have any of these?

Last weekend I ventured out of Milwaukee for a dear friend’s bridal shower — she’s a little ray of sunshine and she’s all about supporting the gluten-free folks. They had plenty of options for me, clearly labeled.

A gluten-free brunch: fruit, crustless quiche (from Sendik’s) and Udi’s muffins

More venturing out landed me in the midst of our family garden (you can see more here and here — ever had kale chips? go check them out.) to check on this year’s progress.

Lookin’ good, lookin’ real good.

garden fresh tomatoes = salsa, capreses, BLTs, pasta sauce

Most days, I come up with a coffee creation at home, but there are days (when it’s 90 degrees) when I just want someone else to make me my morning java — I think I found my new go-to coffee place. It’s close to home. A little local spot called Roast. 

Iced Coffee with milk — a tad bit of honey.

Walking has been my exercise of choice lately — any time I can get outside and soak up the rays, I’m all for it. But I did get my bike out and dust it off this week too, so who knows where I might end up.

What are you doing these days to work off the sweets? And what are your plans for the weekend, are you celebrating all the dads out there with a cookout? 

Friday Photos ~ Family Reunion

Welcome to Friday Photos, a weekly feature here on Celiac in the City — you can read how it all started by clicking HERE.

Where did the week go?


I feel like just yesterday I was hanging out in Denver with my BFF and her girls. How is it already Friday again? (and why am I only posting on Fridays?)

To ease back into real life, I brought my other sister Laura home with me from Denver. I say that, even though she had already booked her own ticket and made plans to be home in WI. (she’s a Wisconsin girl at heart, her roots are here, and someday she’ll be back… I just know it.)

That meant a sleepover we were exhausted and passed out party on Sunday night and then a mini-road-trip up to Appleton on Monday.

This was a pretty big deal because I got to meet “other sister Sarah” IRL. (in real life, folks!) 🙂

In case you are just tuning in, I have my real life sister Laura and then my dear friend Laura who I went to college with in Milwaukee. She has an older sister Sarah. I have a younger sister Laura. So we became “sisters” too and refer to our real life sisters as “other sister Sarah” and “other sister Laura.”

Still with me?

Other sister Sarah and I had “met” over Skype and FaceTime, but this was the real deal. The kind of get together where you can hug it out.

And have a headtilting laugh or two.

That’s sister Sarah in the middle — isn’t she lovely? And she JUST had a baby. Looks amazing.

And not only is she super mom to little man and big sister, but she reads this blog. (so does sister Laura — Hi, LL!) I won’t lie, it was pretty great to hear that I have a reader in Arkansas. Big deal in my book, real big deal.

Know what else is a big deal?

When you show up at someone’s home, not even knowing you’ll be eating there, and they have already done a little research and are whipping you up some (gluten-free) lunch when you arrive.

Boom goes the dynamite.

greens with tomatoes, feta, pine nuts, onions, peppers topped with Bell and Evans chicken and vinaigrette

These weren’t served up for lunch, but there were displayed on the counter and were tempting me the entire time I was there.

And I got lucky because between good girl talk and our little photo shoot… their mama was working on a batch of jam.  

My Mamasita is the jam maker in our family — haven’t tried it myself yet, but she made it look so easy. (so there really is no excuse at this point)

As I sat there watching her, I thought it must be some long time family recipe. One that came with a story. But she surprised me by saying, “it’s just the recipe from Sure-Jell.” (she wanted to make sure the recipe credit went to the right people) 🙂

So the recipe’s from a box. Whoopdie-do-dah. It tastes just like summer. And I went home with a jar after an afternoon of family time — one delish lunch party, one storybook to put big sister down for a nap, three tries at making the perfect star for a DIY 4th of July craft, a visit from a soon-to-pop mama, (congrats on the new baby boy!) four attempts at a sisters photo, and one content little baby boy who makes you want to have a little bubba right now. How’s THAT for a story?

I dipped into “Ann’s Hometown Jam” by Tuesday.

What are you dipping into this weekend — a pool? a stash of cookies from the freezer? (going to be too hot to bake) Anyone else out there doing the jam making thang? Would love to hear about it! 

PS- don’t forget to sign up for my “Going Gluten Free 101” class happening Thursday, June 14th by clicking HERE. 

(delayed) Friday Photos from Denver

Welcome to Friday Photos, a weekly feature here on Celiac in the City — you can read how it all started by clicking HERE.

From an unplugged Memorial Day weekend…

(how do you like the camo? we were on a boat. fishing. at 7am. just me and my guy.)

…to a show at Red Rocks…

It’s been one crazy week!

Let’s back up for a second and check out the cool finds from up north.

We stopped at Piggly Wiggly in Green Bay on our way up north, and I was more than impressed with their gluten-free selection. Shelves of GF goodness, including this Love Grown Foods granola. Short ingredient list, just the way I like it. And tasty too. Not to mention it was on sale for $3.49, which is a steal for gluten-free granola. Perfectly paired with Noosa yoghurt. (as I sit here typing this in Colorado, it’s ironic that both of these products are from here)

As usual, my girls in D-town were prepared for me — there was Crispin cider waiting in one fridge and New Planet Beer in the other, and both had stocked up on gluten-free snacks.

Most of my week was spent with my BFF and her two little bees — we conquered the park, worked our way through the storybook shelf, had dance parties in the kitchen, and indulged in good food.

(Miss Bee loves food as much as me.)

We did a little grilling — turkey burgers with avocado and a side of quinoa salad.

In the quinoa mix:

black beans



Dressed with:

olive oil

lime juice

lime zest


Grabbed some Tokyo Joe’s on the go.

And they were a helpful bunch, reassuring me that they take precautions (separate equipment, knives, cutting boards, etc.) to avoid cross contamination and provide a safe meal for those with dietary restrictions.

Thanks, Tokyo Joe’s!

Followed tradition and made a trip to Udi’s Cafe.

And satisfied a sweet tooth with Ciao Bella mango sorbet.

But I did sneak away for a Red Rocks show, with a Chipotle tailgate dinner. And a night out for adult beverages and pizza.

Thanks to a comment on a previous post, from someone local to Denver, I found a new pizza place to check out.

Lucky Pie. Have you been?

I’ll be back next time I’m in Denver. For sure. Oh-so-good.

To wrap up the weekend, we took a little stroll and made our second appearance of the week at Wash Perk — where the iced coffee was pretty much perfect and they had a little case of gluten-free goodies to go with the java.

It was tough to choose, so we got two. I think that’s standard.

pumpkin bread and almond-poppy seed muffin

And just when I thought I was on my way out… we sat on the runway waiting.

And waiting…

So when we finally took off, (an hour and a half later) we were in need of a cocktail.

Sister Laura and I whipped up some Izze cocktails — a recent addition to my summer beverage line up.


I’m back at home.

Catching up on life.

And preparing to teach my first gluten-free class next week — would love to see you there! I’m going out on a limb with this one. It’s on my 2012 list, but putting it down on the list was the easy part. Actually doing it makes me a tad nervous.

So come on down and ease the nerves will ya? 🙂

You can sign up for the Dabble class, “Going Gluten-Free 101” by clicking here. 

I’ll be back soon — I have a shrimp skillet dinner to share with you guys. And “pan toast,” have you heard of it? Trust me, you’re going to want to make it this week for breakfast.

{Friday Photos — a girl. her mamasita. both love food. today will travel.}

Today is a good day, isn’t it?

The countdown is on … I leave for Denver on Tuesday! And you guys know how much I heart D-town. This is a super-special trip because my BFF just had a sweet little baby girl — and already has a little “bee” that I just adore, and we just so happen to be celebrating her 2nd birthday while I’m there. T-minus four days!

But before I jet out to the Rockies, the countdown (in hours) is going for a long weekend up north.

I can already hear Jungle Jim’s calling my name — you really should stop in and visit next time you’re in the northwoods.

But before I go, let me recap the week.

You know that smiling face — it’s my Mamasita!

That little trickster showed up at our Team Gluten-Free 5k on Saturday to SURPRISE me. And surprise me she did. (she had been scheming with the husband and my bestie Liesel for quite some time) They were like ninjas and showed up right before the race started — out of no where.

The icing on the cake? My mama got to stay until Tuesday.

She loves food as much as this girl, so we filled up on all kinds of GF goodness while she was here.

A couple smoothie breakfasts, lunch in Cedarburg at Vintage Cafe, and a night of grilling on the balcony — my guy can make a mean steak.

While we were out and about last week, we spotted the new Fresh Market in Fox Point. They stock some GF treats I have never even seen before. And they carry Jovial GF pasta. Get in there and check it out!

Before I sent my mama on her way, I introduced her to one of my all time favorite restaurants, Bunky’s Cafe in Madison. 

We shared the hummus plate, meat lasagna, and chocolate-caramel cheesecake. Go there. As soon as you possibly can.

Oh, and after the 5k last week, we fueled up on some Luna Protein Bars — the folks at Luna were kind enough to send some of every flavor for the group to try. I’ve gotten nothing but rave reviews this week, from those who tried them. (although I wish the ingredient list was just a tad shorter, I love that they pack in the protein — 12g — for each bar, and they keep me full longer)

Like days like today, when I’m camped out at Alterra on the lake for a meeting, catching up on emails, and popping in here before I unplug for the weekend.

(Chocolate Cherry Almond is my new fave) 

But before I go, here are some recipes you could be making this weekend for your Memorial Day picnic.

What are you up to on this long, holiday weekend? Any road trips planned? Or chilling at home?

Friday Photos: playing catch up

Welcome to Friday Photos, a weekly feature here on Celiac in the City — you can read how it all started by clicking HERE.


So I may have missed a week (or two) of Friday Photos. But instead of freaking out about it, I’m catching up with a little of everything from the past two weeks.

Hold on tight, it’s been a wild ride.

Recipe testing for Hallie over at Daily Bites

PB&J Cookies

Chocolate Covered Mint Patties (husband’s favorite)

Mixed things up a little — added some coconut.

Both recipes were outstanding. As in, we’re already making them again. And I not only tested them out at home, but I took some to my co-workers — well trained GF baked goods testers — to get their opinions too. Every single person that tried the Peanut Butter and Jelly Cookies said, “they taste JUST like PB&J.”

And that’s a good thing, because that’s exactly what’s in them. There were some new-to-me ingredients like coconut sugar, coconut oil, (had never experimented with it, can you believe it?) and buckwheat flour. All things that I had not used before.

The little mint patties were Mark’s top pick. He used the word addicting. More than once.


But we’re not just snacking on special treats, my friends. We’re also whipping up things like this spring risotto with asparagus, lemon and tomatoes. I’m still talking about it. (and wishing we had some left)


A couple of other things I am still talking about…

Meet Cooper and Graham — my new nephews. Perfect little peanuts huh? They were the reason we got to be home for Mother’s Day this year.

But don’t forget about their big brothers…

Chef Carter, who you have all met before — now a gluten-free chef, helped run the kitchen for an afternoon of homemade pizza making.

His big brother Tayden was a pro!

“The Works” pizza using Bob’s Red Mill pizza mix.

I would eat pizza for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Anyone else with me?

These chopsticks were the best buy of the weekend — I grabbed them from Beans and Barley, on a whim, shortly before going home to see them. Thought they would be fun.

Let’s just say that every meal of the weekend involved these fun little gadgets.

Shark or whale, either way. Big fun with food!


We needed a crowd pleasing appetizer for Saturday afternoon — took a vote and it was taco dip for the win.

Easy-Peasy Taco Dip

1 package cream cheese 

1 16oz container of sour cream 

1 packet taco seasoning 

Toppings of your choice, we used: lettuce, tomatoes, shredded cheese, black olives, green pepper

The boys would use the KitchenAid to mix ANYTHING, and the higher the speed the better, in their eyes. We like to mix the cream cheese, sour cream, and taco seasoning together so it’s nice and creamy. (no lumps)

Spread the mixture into a serving plate and top with your desired goodies — and you can leave a little space for the picky eaters.


Instead of cake, to celebrate Mother’s Day and their mama’s birthday, we decided to splurge and make homemade ice cream.

Then things got crazy and we decided it should be an ice cream sundae buffet.

I wish you all could have seen Carter’s face when I brought out the tray of toppings.

CT: “Wait… all of this is gluten-fwee?”

Auntie Sawah: “Yep, ALL of it.”

CT: “You have got to be kidding me — that is so cool!”

Big brother doesn’t mind eating gluten-free, not one bit. (it all tastes the same to him)

We put no restrictions on the fun, which kind of turned into a free for all, ending with me questioning if there was even any ice cream in the bowl. But they both assured me there was. 🙂


The kids had their fun with ice cream — and then we had ours, after bedtime.

Mudslide meets White Russian — a Russian Mudslide.

We had made coffee cubes for an iced coffee concoction, but the night before seemed as good a time as any to try them out (and the ice cube trays that we wanted to make ice in for mojitos, was being used for said cubes, so we worked with what we had — coffee cubes and ice cream)

Russian Mudslide 

(there was no measuring whatsoever, just go with the flow here)

  • coffee cubes – made with double strength coffee
  • leftover homemade ice cream
  • vodka
  • splash of milk
  • chocolate syrup
Blend all ingredients until smooth and creamy.
IF you have coffee cubes left in the morning, fill your cup with them. Add milk of your choice. A little sweetener perhaps.


Being as rad as ever, my co-workers never let me go without. One of them went ahead and rocked an egg-bake dish. She just did it with GF bread. (and people had no clue, they loved it!) And another thoughtful friend was sure to include GF crackers for the cheese-cracker spread.


Whoa. I’m beat. Aren’t you?

Catch up was a little harder than I thought — maybe I’ll just play it safe and be on time next week.

Until then … have a wonderful weekend!

Tomorrow morning is our Team Gluten-Free 5k, followed by pizza at Transfer — probably should have done the pizza and then the workout, yes?

Oh, and thanks to some extremely generous friends and family, I was able to raise over $1400 for the Celiac Disease Foundation. My goal was $1000.

You guys rock.

Good night!

Friday Photos: my week in review.

Welcome to Friday Photos, a weekly feature here on Celiac in the City — you can read how it all started by clicking HERE.

First things first, they are still serving Lakefront New Grist at Miller Park.

That deserves a head tilting laugh, yes?

Gluten-Free beer at Miller Park rules. (even if they serve it in the flimsy cups)

You know what else rules?

Co-workers who go out of their way, every single time there is an event at work, to help a gluten-free girl out. My buddy Jean at UWM is one who never lets me feel like I’m missing out on the fun. And she’s super cool about it too… like no big deal, that whole gluten-free thing? Got it covered.

And not just got it covered like she brought me some fruit, but got it really covered by bringing me my own little Tia’s Strawberry Shortcake. She also donates to our Team Gluten-Free 5k every year — she rocks.

Made with almond flour and coconut too and sweetened with agave, it reminded me of the goodies from Elana’s Pantry. (big fan of both of her books)

And this little nugget of goodness was in my bag from the happy hour party at Nourished, the gluten-free food blogger conference I attended not long ago.

Very few ingredients, which is key as I struggle to keep M&M’s from being a part of my regular diet, and instead grab for something more real food-like. May have to order some from Amazon or get a local store to carry these Simple Squares.

A little friendly fitness-mind-body-wellness challenge is underway with my girl Kristi and a couple of her friends. And I may or may not have told my other sister Laura that I’d stay away from caffeine and cut out the sugar with her for the next 40 days. (40 days is her timing on some habits in her 2012 list) So to keep me on track, I busted out one of my all time favorite treats today.

It just so happens to be in the real food category, with no added sugar. And in case you missed it last time I talked about my one ingredient peach sorbet, here it is again.

It’s as easy as…




What other real food, no-sugar added snacks to you guys like? Help me stay on track here! 

{springtime lemon bars}

Despite the too-low-for-my-liking temps in Milwaukee the past couple of weeks, there are still signs of spring.

Aren’t those yellow tulips lovely? (one of my favorites) 

I’m a sucker for anything yellow — it’s been my favorite color for as long as I can remember. Have you seen the Pinterest board from our wedding? It’s everywhere these days, yellow is back.

Hello, yellow. 

Maybe that’s why I gravitate towards anything made with lemon. Cakes or cookies, grilled asparagus or beverages. Love me some lemon.

This was my first attempt at lemon bars.


I had never made them, even before going gluten-free. Which seems so silly considering how much I like them — Molly’s Gluten-Free Bakery makes some killer lemon squares (they made them for our wedding) that you should get your hands on if at all possible.

But I may have given them a run for their money with these.


Gluten-Free Lemon Bars 

                                                                       Adapted from Cook’s Illustrated

For the crust

  • 1 ¾ cups gluten-free flour mix – I used C4C, but you can use any pre-made mix, or play around with flours and starches, a little of several different kinds works best
  • ⅔ cup powdered sugar, plus a little extra to shake on top
  • ¼ cup cornstarch
  • ¾ teaspoon table salt
  • 12 tablespoons unsalted butter(1 ½ sticks), cool room temperature, cut into pieces, plus a bit extra to grease the pan

For the filling…

  • 4 eggs, beaten
  • 1 ⅓ cups sugar
  • 3 tablespoons gluten-free flour
  • 2 teaspoons grated lemon zest
  •  ⅔ cup lemon juice, strained (I used 2-3 larger lemons)
  • ⅓ cup whole milk
  • ⅛ teaspoon table salt

For the crust… Pre-heat oven to 350. (make sure you adjust the rack to the middle) Lightly butter a 9 x 13 pan. Then lay two pieces of parchment paper in the pan — crossed over one another — lay one down lengthwise, then the other widthwise on top. (is that a word?)

In your food processor, pulse the flour, powdered sugar, cornstarch, and salt. Add in your butter and blend for a few seconds, then continue to pulse it until mixture is light yellow and looks kind of like corn meal. Sprinkle the meal mixture into the parchment lined pan. Then, using your fingers, press the “dough” out into the pan in a ¼ inch layer, but push it up to about ½ inch on the sides — this is making a nice little crust, and you’ll want the sides a little higher up so when you pour the filling in, it stays put. Put it in the fridge for about a half hour, then bake until golden brown, 20 minutes-ish.

For the filling… While you’re waiting, whisk eggs, sugar, and flour in a bowl, and then stir in your lemon zest, lemon juice, milk, and salt.

And then… Reduce heat in the oven to 325 degrees. Give your filling another stir to combine it all again, and pour it right onto the warm crust. (this is key, you want to pour it on there shortly after taking it out of the oven). Bake it until the filling feels pretty firm when touched, you don’t want it still liquid-like, about 20 minutes or so. When you take it out of the oven, put the pan on a wire rack and cool it down for at least a half hour.When it has cooled, you can pull it out of the pan by grasping the pieces of parchment paper to lift it right out and unto a cutting board where you can cut it into pieces and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Any other lemon bar first timers out there? Or have you been making something like this for years?

{wish it were} Friday Photos

Welcome to Friday Photos, a weekly feature here on Celiac in the City — you can read how it all started by clicking HERE.

Anyone else tried beets for breakfast? People usually either love beets or hate ’em. I’m in the “I heart beets” camp. Before you join the other group, try doing a beet and potato hash or adding them to a spring greens salad with goat cheese, walnuts and a balsamic vinaigrette dressing.

Trust me.

I found this new-to-me tea from Trader Joe’s this week — unsweetened with just a hint of mint. Right up my alley.

My “other sister Laura” was in town this weekend and we were on the go from the moment her plane touched down on Thursday night — and crazy long days require a good start to them. We finished off the last bit of granola from Ginger Lemon Girl’s recipe and introduced Laura to Jessica’s Natural Foods Gluten-Free Granola. (she is a fan!)

They’re sending some granola for our next GF Get Together THIS Thursday at VIA Downer — care to join us?

We ended up in the 3rd Ward on Saturday evening, wandering around, checking out the shops that closed sooner than we had planned… so we were spontaneous.

And popped into Hinterland for a beverage — two brandy Old Fashioneds please.

Happy Earth Day!

Did you stop and smell the flowers today?

We sure did.

Hope your weekend was filled with whole-hearted living too. Did you get out and take in some sunshine, hug a tree maybe? Or did you relax and spend time with the fam? 

FRIDAY PHOTOS: Monkey see, monkey do — a gluten-free baby shower for not one but two!

Last summer my celiac sister threw me a “Pinterest Perfect” bridal shower.

(she made these lemonade bevies from ultra-washed beer bottles and hand stamped labels)

People raved about the food — all of it was gluten-free, of course… but no one cared a bit.

So next up is a baby shower right?


Friday Photos: a good vibes kind of week

Honeymoon prep is underway — I can’t believe we are leaving for Puerto Rico this weekend!

In the next 24 hours we will: finish packing, entertain some of our favorite friends who are in town, celebrate our nephew’s 21st birthday with a little “day drinking,” exchange Mark’s sunglasses that showed up last minute WAY too big, bake some of Grandma EdithAnn’s banana bread for the plane, (shame on you, American Airlines for not having a GF option) decide if three pairs of sunglasses is too many for the trip, and figure out parking at O’hare airport.

Not necessarily in that order, but we’ve got a few things going on it seems.

So this will be short and sweet. And full of good vibes.

Like my five year old nephew. I mentioned he recently started the gluten-free diet and has had a few struggles — like the teacher at Kindergarten Round-Up that gave him a regular cookie. (in his defense, he did tell them, “oh, I need a gluten-fwee cookie” when the first teacher came around… so when the other teacher came by and handed him one, he assumed they had taken care of it and gotten him one he could have) 😦

BUT, on a brighter note for little CT…. he is headed to a birthday party this weekend and the little girl’s mom sent my sister this picture from her phone the other day — to let her know that she picked up a few things so he could have the same kind of treats as all the other kids. That sweet little birthday girl even decided to go with cupcakes, instead of the regular cake, so “Carter doesn’t feel left out, and he can have the same thing as us.”

Aren’t kids great? They just get things. Sometimes better than adults.


I kicked off spring break with the first chapters of The Hunger Games and some iced coffee. (yes, that is two coffee days for those counting — but it’s spring break week AND honeymoon week, so no rules apply)


See? No rules. I participated in Transfer’s “Defeat the Wheat” Monday. I have to support a good cause when I see one. 🙂


Have you ever been to Larry’s Market?

It was our go-to lunch place on the weekends, just down the road from Mark’s parent’s place, pre-gluten-free. And we still go there from time to time, but I was really missing the deli sandwiches.

But now, they’re baaaaaaack….

And they require BOTH hands to eat them because Larry’s now carries Udi’s gluten-free jumbo loaf — which is like regular bread. Just wish they would sell them in stores, not just to restaurants. Someday.

*CAUTION* They just received the bread recently and we didn’t get into a discussion on cross-contamination. It was busy, she had it in the freezer, we were on our way out, so now I need to get back over there and talk about some safety concerns to be sure I can keep enjoying them. But for now, to play it safe, you could get them to defrost the bread (wrapped up safe) in the microwave and put the sammie together yourself, like I did.

I may or may not have shed a little tear over that sandwich — my all time Larry’s Market favorite, honey mustard chicken salad. Yep, good vibes.


For the record, I was aiming for his cheek, this gives new meaning to “necking,” I guess. 😉


So off we go… the much anticipated honeymoon. I feel like we’ll be in good hands — I got an email from Chef Simon today, from the Ritz Carlton and he reassured me that they are ready for me and my gluten-freeness — with two bakers on hand, he said there will be desserts and if I’m not a fan of their frozen bread items, they will make some fresh from a King Arthur mix. (which I’ve been wanting to try)

I may pop in at some point this week, as I lounge by the pool — Mark is bringing the iPad, so I might try to get all techie on there. We’ll see.

Either way, I hope you have the most wonderful week. Full of good vibes. Healthy ones too. (and send some to my Mamasita, she’s home sick with bronchitis… and for my sister, to keep those two little peanuts in there at least a few more weeks, and no more contractions)

For the married crowd — where did you honeymoon? Any tips for me? Or where are you dreaming of going for your honeymoon someday? Or maybe you just fly solo and are planning the trip of your dreams, do tell.