Tuesday To Do List — Gluten Free Thanksgiving

Tuesday To Do List is my newest attempt at bringing you tidbits from the gluten-free world each week. This will continue until my mind-that-doesn’t-rest comes up with another way to entertain you guys. You can read my very first to-do list here. Cross your fingers I am back here next Tuesday with another list.

Today we’re talking turkey, pumpkin pie, and everything in between that you might just want to add to your gluten-free Thanksgiving To Do List!

The Gluten-Free Recipe Fix: Thanksgiving Edition is your one-stop-shop for the feast!

We love this stuffing and will make it again this year. (my Trader Joe’s insider says the GF candy cane Joe Joe’s arrive next week at the Glendale, WI location!)


(it’s very stove-top-like, which is celiac sister’s fave. we use less water than called for and it’s pretty perfect.)

Word on the street is that Aldi has gluten-free fried onions for green bean casserole. Mamasita is thrilled about this so I’ll be buying some before heading home to MN for our fabulously gluten-free feast!

Shirley has rounded up FORTY, yes 4-0, pie crust recipes to choose from. (thank you!) I just sent this Best Gluten-Free Flaky Pie Crust recipe to my mama to check out.

Need a quick, easy snack mix? Try this.

Some of our family favorites for you to try — love grandma’s rice!

Want fresh baked bread with your turkey day meal? This recipe is for you.

You know I love a good graphic. (or seventeen) All things Thanksgiving in graphics.

There are always requests for my pumpkin spice cookies with cream cheese frosting.

Shauna and Danny have an app you can download but also a LIST of videos and recipes to try.

Be safe. If you aren’t as lucky as we are to have a fully gluten-free meal, Shirley has tips to remember when visiting the fam. (last weekend the stars aligned during my birthday weekend in Denver and I got to meet up with Shirley and Johnna for drinks and dessert…follow along with both of these lovely, down to earth, gluten-free friends!)

EnJOY the time with your families, my friends. This last week was filled with JOYful memory making, but also tragic events on a global and much closer to home level — I can’t make sense of it all, but in times like these, I gather with my tribe and look for the light.

The week from Instagram…

(follow along: @celiacinthecity)


coffee with my BFF in Denver!

BFF feeds CITC well



enchilada chicken stew from PaleOMG


Ophelia’s Denver: doing gluten free right!


Breck with the bees, birthday eve





Mi Casa Breckenridge


street tacos & margaritas at Mi Casa


headtilting laughs




















best friends forever with new arrows of friendship from alex & ani





christopher elbow chocolates & mint chocolate chip birthday treat








our house on the hill (this weather!)


hello, home.































As much as I wish I were getting paid big bucks to add these links to my page, I’m not. They are not affiliate links. I’m just sharing to share.





Tuesday To Do List — what to buy, spy, and try! (or sometimes cry about)

Tuesday To Do List is my newest attempt at bringing you tidbits from the gluten-free world each week. This will continue until my mind-that-doesn’t-rest comes up with another way to entertain you guys. Cross your fingers I am back here next Tuesday with another list…

  • Once upon a time, I got to meet THE Pioneer Woman — I talked a mile a minute telling her what a big fan I was and that I had found out about her wonderfulness through Shauna from Gluten Free Girl and the Chef. Although I don’t follow along as closely as I used to, (I’m still sad that Google Reader is no longer!) I’m still a big fan, have a couple of her books, make her baked beans recipe by request, and will probably end up buying a piece from her new collection because it’s so dang pretty. (she is too and she’s hilariously down to earth)


  • And speaking of Gluten Free Girl… they have a new cookbook coming out this week! Their recipes have never let me down and I’m guessing this one will not disappoint: American Classics Reinvented. It’s already in my cart to buy on Amazon.


{a gluten-free thanksgiving}

This week I hosted our Gluten-Free Get Together event at Rochambo on Brady Street. (where they serve up goodies from Molly’s GF Bakery)

Mixed things up this month, instead of a dinner, we got together for dessert and after dinner drinks to talk all about the upcoming holidays and how to survive them gluten-free style.

It’s easier than you think. I promise.

But I don’t want anyone to miss out just because they couldn’t make it over to the east side, so I thought I’d share everything here with you.

A couple of years ago, I shared some of our family favorites— Grandma’s cooked rice, scalloped corn, and cranberry salad. Some of those will be served up again this year, but not everyone eats a traditional meal (which I kind of dig!) for Thanksgiving.

Maybe you’re serving things up paleo style. If you are, head over to see Paleo Parents (authors of Eat Like a Dinosaur) for a complete menu plan that includes vegan options.

Not cooking at your place? Here are some resources to help educate your family. They usually mean well, but who would every think you could get glutened at a table of mostly gluten-free food, when you were being SO careful? (happened to me last year at the in-law’s)

Whatever the case, I want you to have a safe, happy celebration — as I always say, we are in the golden age of gluten-freeness… more options than we know what to do with.

I took a peek around the web at some of my favorite bloggers’ sites and came up with a list of recipes for you to check out. (I know we’ll be making some of them at our family Thanksgiving!)

Recipe Round-Up from ‘Round the Web
  • A twist on pumpkin pie — these Creamy Pumpkin Bars from Joy the Baker are on my “I’m SO making these” list. (just have to substitute GF flour mix — remember 5 oz of gluten-free flour mix for each cup of all purpose flour called for — and some certified GF oats.
  • And if you’re on an apple kick, you could make this super simple apple struesel chex mix from my “GF 101” class this summer — the post is full of info you can use, if you’re a newbie.
  • TWENTY loaves of GF bread, a breadbasket of choices from Shirley at gfe.

To get things started, I pulled together (in 30 minutes) two simple recipes that you can make with pantry staples.

Gluten-Free Cinnamon & Sugar Pretzels

I got this idea from a new favorite blog, One Good Thing by Jillee — it’s in my Google Reader now, and you should add it too. It’s not just food, she posts something new everyday that is clever, time saving, or just plain fun for everyday life.

I adapted it to fit what I had, you will notice that her recipe uses oil, feel free to use that instead of the butter for a dairy-free version. And aren’t her cute printed bags the best? I might have to make some and give these as gifts. They were a hit at our GF Get Together.

Gluten-Free Cinnamon & Sugar Pretzels 

Adapted from One Good Thing By Jillee


  • 1 bag gluten-free pretzels (I used Glutino, but they seem to have changed their recipe… I’m missing the old one.) 
  • ¼ cup butter, melted
  • ⅓ cup sugar
  • 2 teaspoons ground cinnamon

    Pre-heat the oven to 300 degrees. In a small bowl, combine the cinnamon and sugar. Add the bag of pretzels to a large bowl and pour melted butter over them. Gently stir to evenly coat all of the pretzels.

    Shake the cinnamon & sugar mixture over the pretzels and toss or gently stir to completely coat. Spread the pretzels out on a baking sheet and bake at 300 for 30 minutes, stirring at least twice during the bake time.

    Remove from oven and cool — or if you’re like me, taste test a few while they are still hot, but be careful. 🙂 They can be stored in an airtight container for several days.

    Thanksgiving Chex Mix


    Gluten-free snack mixes are a crowd pleaser at family events. Fun to make and familiar to all, (not to mention a cinch to prepare!) family and friends will be munching on this mix by the handful. Make a double batch so you have enough to eat on the car ride to grandma’s.

    gluten-free thanksgiving chex mix

    Adapted from chex.com

    2 cups honey nut chex                            ¼ cup coconut sugar (or brown sugar)

    2 cups cinnamon chex                            1 tablespoon pumpkin pie spice

    2 cups corn or rice chex                          2 teaspoons vanilla extract

    1 cup mixed nuts                                      ¼ cup butter, melted

    In a small bowl, mix together the sugar and pumpkin pie spice and set aside. After melting the butter, (about 30 seconds or so, but watch it!) stir in the vanilla.

    In a large bowl, (one that will fit in your microwave) combine all of the cereals and mixed nuts. Pour the melted butter and vanilla over the cereal mix and stir to coat entirely. Add the sugar & spice mixture to the cereal mix and stir gently to coat each little piece. Microwave on high for 4-5 minutes, stopping to stir after each minute. (I did mine 4 minutes, you want it to start browning, but NOT burning, that is not a good situation.)

    Spread out the mix onto a baking sheet and allow to cool. (again, you should taste test some while still warm, just because you can)


    After our GF Get Together, I decided to just mix the two (pretzels and chex mix) together — why didn’t I think of that BEFORE the event?

    I’ll be serving the two together from now on.

    I like to call it Cornucopia Chex Mix.

    Happy, happy Thanksgiving to you and your family from mine. Are you celebrating at home this year (safe!) or traveling for the holiday? Feel free to shout out ANY tips you have for other newbies to help them have a safe and happy Thanksgiving.

    I’ll try to sneak back over here soon and post the recipe for the pumpkin pie I’ll be making for my celiac sista this year — in the mean time, have a lovely weekend. I’m off to celebrate my 15 year “friendaversary” (and the bday) with my BFF, out in Denver.

    Go eat! 🙂


Friday Photos: JOY

Welcome to Friday Photos, a weekly feature here on Celiac in the City — you can read how it all started by clicking HERE.

The past week was filled with joy. (and celebrating)

The joy of meeting a new friend on the farm.

The joy on his face, after creating “T’s Masterpiece,” all by himself. (with grandma at his side)


Joy in the belly. (as Shauna and Danny would say)

BLT Bites

 bacon – leftover from breakfast (is that even possible?) 

greens/lettuce from your garden or local market

grape or cherry tomatoes


sriracha mayo for dipping — add a few drops to your mayo

Layer them all up. Keep it all together with a toothpick, if you’d like. Dip. Bite. Repeat.


Simple joys — breakfast with family. (and my mama sending me home with my Strawberry Shortcake silverware set… that the nephews were arguing over who “had to use the girly ones”)

Pamela’s pancakes with blueberries & raspberries

Bringing joy to a friend — Molly’s Gluten Free Bakery style.

How are you spreading JOY this week? It’s contagious.

Photo source from Pinterest 

Dancing in the Kitchen with Gluten-Free Girl and the Chef

It’s here.

Gluten-Free Girl and the Chef: A Love Story with 100 Tempting Recipes

I have been waiting for it since we tested some of the recipes many moons ago.

Anyone who knows me is aware of my admiration for Shauna. Gluten-Free Girl. Her first book got me through the first months of living on a gluten free diet. Her website pulled me in and has kept me reading for almost three years. Her charming husband (the chef) entertains me with his videos, full of helpful tips to use in the kitchen.

Although we haven’t met in person, I cross my fingers that we do someday. I would love to thank them in person for being a positive, supportive part of my journey. And even though they haven’t actually been to my kitchen, they have been “here” all along.

So when they put a shout out to fans, asking for volunteers to preview some recipes from their new book, I was in.

And spent the day Friday, dancing around the kitchen.

Measuring flours (by weight of course) for fresh gluten free pasta.

Don’t worry if there is no pasta machine in your kitchen… they also tell you how to cut it by hand. Which is what we did. (the pizza cutter worked great with a flimsy, plastic cutting board as a straight edge)

It was used for the pasta with anchovies, lemon and olives dish.

Which was the most unique, mouth awakening pasta dish I have tasted. Really, anchovies? Who knew I would be a fan? The brightness of the lemon mingled with the salty olives. And the anchovies melted right into the sauce.

I know we will be making homemade pasta more often. And ravioli. Haven’t had it since being gluten free. Now there is no excuse. They tell you how to make this pasta right into ravioli. (thank you)

And then the shrimp.

seared shrimp with garlic-almond sauce

Let’s get serious.

The marcona almond sauce? Ridiculous.

So good that we are still talking about it. And it made a round-2 appearance the following night at an appetizer party, and THEY are still talking about it.

The shrimp was so easy to make. (I did it myself… very big deal.) I get nervous when things are searing. It makes me feel like the pan is too hot. But I now know that a hot pan is a good thing. No cold pans here folks.

I’m glad the recipe didn’t say something silly like, “feeds 6.” That would have been really embarrassing.

You didn’t think I was skipping dessert did you?

chocolate-peanut butter brownies

If I would have had vanilla ice cream in the freezer, the whole pan would be gone. Instead, I put a cap on how many I could eat each day.

Day one went fine. Just one brownie. A teaser really.

Day two. I was doomed from the start. It was picture day for these brownies. And I wanted you to see what they looked like with some homemade jam in the middle. (I partially blame Shauna and Danny for this, they did suggest it, and I am a very good listener.)

A pb&j brownie sandwich.

Who knows what Day three might bring? They might just get eaten right out of the pan with a fork. (again, their suggestion, just following directions here)

This book is for gluten free friends and those who can handle their gluten too. It’s for people who love food. Who don’t miss an opportunity to dance in the kitchen together. For those who want “joy in the belly.”

It’s a love story.

With food.

My kind of book.

Go buy it.

Then eat.

Feel joy.

