{wish it were} Friday Photos

Welcome to Friday Photos, a weekly feature here on Celiac in the City — you can read how it all started by clicking HERE.

Anyone else tried beets for breakfast? People usually either love beets or hate ’em. I’m in the “I heart beets” camp. Before you join the other group, try doing a beet and potato hash or adding them to a spring greens salad with goat cheese, walnuts and a balsamic vinaigrette dressing.

Trust me.

I found this new-to-me tea from Trader Joe’s this week — unsweetened with just a hint of mint. Right up my alley.

My “other sister Laura” was in town this weekend and we were on the go from the moment her plane touched down on Thursday night — and crazy long days require a good start to them. We finished off the last bit of granola from Ginger Lemon Girl’s recipe and introduced Laura to Jessica’s Natural Foods Gluten-Free Granola. (she is a fan!)

They’re sending some granola for our next GF Get Together THIS Thursday at VIA Downer — care to join us?

We ended up in the 3rd Ward on Saturday evening, wandering around, checking out the shops that closed sooner than we had planned… so we were spontaneous.

And popped into Hinterland for a beverage — two brandy Old Fashioneds please.

Happy Earth Day!

Did you stop and smell the flowers today?

We sure did.

Hope your weekend was filled with whole-hearted living too. Did you get out and take in some sunshine, hug a tree maybe? Or did you relax and spend time with the fam?